My name is Caroline, I'm 30 years young! I'm VERY PATRIOTIC! A big gun enthusiast, a dog lover with 3 German Shepherds. Cylis, Cynder and Semper Fi! I can't forget my kitties too! Precious, HamBone, Angel and Harley! Needless to say my life is full of fur and love from them, my husband and big family! Aside from riding as often as I can my passions are figure skating and bartending! I have been skating for 25 years and I’m currently a part of a U.S. shyncros team, Chicago Radiance! We went to Nationals last year and placed 10th! We hope to be back this year! I’ve been bartending for 9 years and I'm a trick shot bartender I’m also known for my specialty martinis! I'm new to the modeling world and I am loving every minute. I can't wait to see where it goes and all the traveling that comes with it!